Social Media as a Tool in the Classroom ANNOUNCEMENT!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It is with great excitement that I announce my first ever conference presentation date in the upcoming 27th Annual Early Years Conference.

Each year, Conestoga College hosts a full day Early Learning Conference to support the current trends in early learning and care in March. Earlier this fall, I was asked to consider speaking at this event on “Using twitter as a tool in the classroom”, a topic I have spoke about to students and small groups at the college. After readjusting the topic and expanding it to include additional social media outlets I use such as my personal and classroom blog, we have confirmed the title: “Using Social Media as a Tool in the Classroom”. Thinking back to last years experience where I learned and was inspired by Sarah Andrade and Tracy Pickard’s authentic teaching experiences, I am very excited to announce that I will be speaking at this year’s conference for the first time this March! 

Details and registration are to follow on the Conestoga College website and I will be adding to the blog when they do. Thank-you to all of those who have supported my interest in social media and value the ever-changing teaching methods in education!

Twitter: More than Just "What's Happening"!

Friday, July 4, 2014


Twitter has very quickly become one of the most common tools I use in my everyday life. Why? To connect. To share. To inspire others and learn about others who inspire me with their provocations, thoughts, and questions about children and education.

Anyone can benefit from using twitter. It is hands down, the quickest way to connect and share ideas with others who share similar interests. With 140 characters or less, tweets are a simple and concise way to get a message out on the web. I cannot imagine a better way to share a quick documentation piece with a brief message to families and other educators that could happen even multiple times daily! Twitter’s 140 character limit keeps messages straightforward and to the point.

Since I began working with Kindergarten children, I have turned to Twitter to share with families the wonderful learning that has taken place in our classroom daily. The feedback I received was incredible so naturally, I continued. On most days, I would tweet multiple times, doing my best to ensure all children were “tweeted about”. It is so important to me to be able to bring children’s learning to their families when their families cannot be with us to learn. And Twitter has been just that – a way that I could re-create the learning opportunities, wonderings, anecdotes and moments that went on in our classroom so that others could be involved as if they were right there with us!

Below are a few examples of ways I have used Twitter to share learning experiences with our families this past year.
This is a photo of an SK student's journal page. She drew, labelled, and reflected on our bean plan inquiry independently! 

 Here is a snapshot of a group of students participating in the process of making books. An SK student created one and then started a book club to teach others how to make their own books. He even helped them come up with topic!

 One of my favourite things about twitter is that you can actually be signed up for an account and not have to tweet anything at all. This is amazing because many of our families really just want to see what is happening with their child’s learning and would rather not participate in tweeting (which is totally fine, by the way ;)!) However, it is so, so, so much fun when a parent lets you know they appreciate something you are doing by favouriting, retweeting or replying to one of your tweets. This online family engagement has been a remarkable way to keep in touch with one another throughout the school year.
Once I established a ground for families to follow and involve themselves in our learning, I found myself connecting with other professionals and creating my very own PLN (professional learning network/personal learning network). Amoung these individuals are many insightful and thoughtful educators around the globe who are passionate about what they do with young children. From following other professionals, I began considering ways in which I could contribute to the conversations and how I could take part in the collaboration that was happening right at my fingertips. Since my initial sign-up with Twitter, I admit there are many ways in which I can continue to enhance my tweets to engage a larger audience, but for right now, I am content with the small connections that I can make in a big way. Having a PLN allows you to connect with others who may be promoting a professional development opportunity, sharing documentation pieces from their classroom, sparking thought-provoking questions in a chat (or a “twitter party”!), and general networking.

This Spring, I spoke at Conestoga College to share the benefits of using twitter in an early years setting. Here is a guide to using twitter that I have created including how to get started and a glossary!

Unsure of how to convince parents and families to sign up?


After reading this post, I hope you consider the possibilities of using Twitter in your classroom. Think about the families you have in your classroom community and how they might benefit from the instantaneous connection you could provide them with. How could you include your students in using twitter and why would you want to? I strongly believe that children learn best when they are 100% connected to their environment and in control of their learning. If they have opportunities to share their learning with the world, why not help them do so? (Of course, consider being a digital citizen and teach your students what this means prior to handing over the device!)
If you’re new to twitter or have recently signed up, connect with me at @KEnfelis. I love to hear the ways in which others are engaging with twitter in their classrooms or professional networks!
Good Luck and Happy Tweeting! thumbs_follow-me-twitter-buttons-and-icons6

To New Beginnings

Monday, June 30, 2014

“The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings” – Dave Weinbaum

The time has come where my adventures at New Dundee Public School have concluded. What an incredible first year this school has provided me with. I not only feel blessed to have had so many encouraging colleagues and students this year, I also feel empowered by the support I have received from the families and the New Dundee community. When I look back to the beginning of this school year, I remember the excitement of meeting the team and what a blessing it has been to learn with that team all year! As anyone could expect, I have grown tremendously as an educator and a person since last September. This school has been the place where I could open up and test out ideas, share insights and have my opinions valued and respected.

New Dundee Public School:

Thank-you to everyone involved for welcoming me into this wonderful environment. You will be missed deeply!
With that being said, the future is exciting! I will be relocating to a large K-8 Cambridge school in a core day position. Clemens Mill Public School is a Phase 5 Kindergarten site – meaning, Full Day Kindergarten will be implemented for the first time at this school this year. I look forward to sharing insights and continuing to learn with a diverse new educator team, and of course, meeting our new students in fall 2014.
Best of luck to everyone as we think ahead to the new school year. Enjoy your summer in the meantime!

The Learning Environment

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

On May 12th, 2014, our Kindergarten team opened up our learning environments to other Waterloo Region District School Board educators. This after school event was an opportunity to share beliefs about the use of space, time and materials that were chosen for the environment in a FDK classroom.

Here is a compiled list of what the group came up with when thinking about a Kindergarten 

Learning Environment:
  • purposeful
  • creative and fun
  • open-ended
  • dynamics of the team
  • quantity of materials
  • meets individual needs
  • provocations
  • healthy and safe
  • child-centred
  • third or fourth educator
  • inclusive
  • use of space and time
  • accessible
  • indoor and outdoor
After reviewing these ideas and the FDK document, my additional thoughts about the learning environment include:
  • documentation
  • visuals (what’s on the walls?)
  • family involvement (photographs)
  • authentic materials
  • natural spaces
  • neutral colours/bullitens
  • appropriate resources
  • comfortable and safe for children
  • encourages empathy, interest in trying new things, and the development of self-confidence
  • room for small groups, large groups, and independent workspaces
  • learning centres that incorporate: quiet/book, literacy/writing, building/blocks, dramatic play, sensory (sand, water, etc.), mathematics, science and technology, and visual arts
  • area for big movement
  • observation tools (iPads, class list on clipboard)
  • adheres to different learning styles
  • organization using labels of words, pictures, symbols or numbers
Aspects of the Learning Environment
The next sections of this post highlight specifc parts of the learning environment from above that really stand out to me.

Current and Child-Centred Spaces
I think the most important consideration to have when setting up a space for children to learn is that everything is placed in the environment specific to the children who are in it. Not last year’s students or those from 15 years ago. The materials that are chosen directly correspond to the children who are learning from them. Similarly, documentation and set-up of the classroom represent the needs and interests of current students. I believe that each year is a new beginning and therefore, next year’s classroom will look completely different in that materials and purposes for activities will be chosen for those students.
These paintings are student pieces that have explanations attached to them (bottom right corner). They are low on the back of a shelf in the drama centre so children can view these pieces easily.
Writing samples posted with sticky tack on the walls near group meeting area; again – at children’s eye level and easy to locate.

Portfolios (or Documentation Binders)
At the beginning of the year, our team thought we would experiment with the idea of saving pieces of work that children had created in a portfolio. These portfolios are filled with art pieces, writing samples, photographs of children engaged in learning, artifacts, anecdotes, etc. and are a combination of educator and student chosen artifacts. Children often refer to their portfolio to see work that has been added and to share with others that come into our classroom. What a beautiful way to store the incredible learning that goes on in our environment.
Our portfolios are stored on a low shelf, accessible to each child at any time. We use sheet protectors to ensure artifacts are protected for future keeping. Binders are labelled with the child's first name and a photograph of them during the first week of school inside.
Our portfolios are stored on a low shelf, accessible to each child at any time. We use sheet protectors to ensure artifacts are protected for future keeping. Binders are labelled with the child’s first name and a photograph of them during the first week of school inside.

Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards speak to the projects that are occurring in a classroom. We have discussed the idea of an empty bulletin board and I feel that if a board is empty, that’s totally okay! It doesn’t mean that the educators in the room are “lazy” or that children simply aren’t learning anything. Rather, it suggests that the team is considerate with what they document and that the boards are not filled with information for the sake of having something posted. There are often many projects on the go in our classroom, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that those projects need to be overflowing on our boards. What is documented and displayed is carefully chosen and includes children and educator pieces.
Documentation of our planting process: photographs of children in different stages of process and children’s writing to explain underneath. Painting is from a student who predicted her beans would grow into a yellow flower. We also added a web to include what we know about plants.
Number Sense and Numeracy using beans! Black and white photographs can be so beautiful against a clean bulletin. When children write the words for the boards, the messages are clearly for them. I often use black cardstock to back photographs to make them stand out. On the shelf, you will notice literature and materials to further explore beans and seeds.

Organize and Label
Just like you would label your spices in your kitchen and fold your clothes to fit in drawers according to category, materials in the learning environment need to have a designated place of belonging and usually requires a label. I like to keep minimal materials on the shelves to avoid children feeling overwhelmed with choices. Labeling materials using words, pictures, symbols or numbers that are recognizable to children helps them find what they are looking for to make the best use of their time. Everything should have a place! Below you will notice labels, glass jars, and a “beautiful junk” bin (a storage place for recyclable materials children can use to create with).
IMG_0490 IMG_0491IMG_0473 IMG_0489

Observation Tools
This year, I work in a classroom with two other educators and each of us contribute to an Evernote account to record our observations of children. Report cards stem from these observations that are carefully articulated through day-to-day conversations and engagement with our students. There are so many ways to observe children, but my favourite ways this year include the app Evernote and using observation sheets that include children’s names in a box or column with space to write notes. I use Notability to store personal documents, such as resources, tip sheets, important articles, etc. that I will continue to build over time. Here are links to check out if you are interested in exploring these ways of observation/documentation:
To those of you who took the time after school on Monday to come to New Dundee Public School for this event, thank-you! It has been a pleasure to host such an event and I loved opening up our environments to share with each of you.

Special thanks to members of our team for hosting this event:
Natasha Tsetsekas @N_Tsetsekas
Valerie Urquhart @Urquhart_Val
Nicole Roeder @roedernikki
Andrea Michelutti @micheluttia
Wendy Goulden @wendygoulden
Laura Hawker @laurahawker1
(left to right) Me, Natasha, Laura, and Valerie


Sunday, April 13, 2014

In light of my 25th birthday on April 13th, I want to share TWENTY-FIVE things that I have learned (so far) in Full-Day Kindergarten! The following list is in no particular order; each message of learning is unique and meaningful, and reflect the experiences I have been exposed to.
25. Not having the answers to everything is totally okay! In June, I was overwhelmed with information about where my life was headed in regards to working with 4-and-5 year olds. Despite the information overload, I continued to dive into the resources, conversations and networking opportunities that were available to me. I didn’t – and still don’t – know everything about the journey I am embarking on, but every day I continue “trying” to learn as much as I can so I will be able to “know” more by the end of the day! The phrase below is also a key message I try to share with my students on a regular basis so that they, too, don’t feel that giving up when they don’t know something is appropriate. Believing that we are capable will help us reach great achievements.

24. My job is about way more than a paycheck. I am a firm believer that doing what you are passionate about is so much more powerful than choosing a career path based on money. I need to be in a career that sets me free and allows me to learn and teach at the same time. The adventures that our students take me on daily is a testimony to how much I have come to value FDK and believe in the program. My Kindergarten adventures have strengthened my passion for developing early year learners, and being able to support and extend learning every day has been more important than a paycheck.

Working together to thread needles through our hand made quilt.
23. Social Media is powerful. With encouragement from my administrator, Andrea (@micheluttia), I joined Twitter a few days into the beginning of school. I use Twitter as a documentation tool in our classroom every day and also as a way to connect with other professionals in the early years field. Knowing that I can share pieces of our students learning with their families while they are away from their child has enhanced our classroom community and made the  accomplishments that are achieved exciting because we get to tweet it out! Children often ask us, “Please, can you tweet this so my Mom and Dad can see it?” Connecting this way is second nature to me because I grew up with social media all around me, but I am always willing to assist someone who may be less experienced in the area since I recognize its positive effects.

A caption of the rich conversation that occurred about sinking and floating, cups that were used in an experimentation accompanied by prediction writing and photographs
21. Outdoor learning does not need to end when the recess bell rings.It is so important that our students are interested in what they are learning. For example, if someone finds a rock and wants to search for other ones so that they could compare them inside, we do this! Similarly, weather permitting, bringing a small group outside to build towers using natural materials is always a possibility. Of course, this is a benefit of having multiple educators in our classroom. It is important to have a routine and schedule as a guideline in all classrooms. Outdoor exploration is a beautiful thing and we can always find a way to incorporate more opportunities to investigate our surroundings and bring learning outside.

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Classifying, sorting and ordering loose materials that we found outside at recess
20. Forget  the phrase “use your words”. Telling a child to “use your words” may not always be the best response when they approach you with a problem because they may not know how to form their feelings into words. Knowing the children is key to realizing when a child may or may not need assistance.  Sometimes, children may need help sorting out their thoughts so that they could put them into words that will make sense to someone else. Kindergarten students’ brains are growing rapidly and when they approach me with a problem, it is crucial that we spend time together to understand what exactly is going on and talk about possible solutions.
19. Technology enhances Kindergarten if used correctly. We have a document camera that we use almost everyday for multiple purposes. Whether we are showing a video clip, pieces of work from a student, photographs, yoga sessions, etc., our document camera has been a great learning tool that engages our children. We also use two microphones that have speakers around our classroom that we use to enhance our soft, whisper voices so that students’ can still hear us without us yelling, as well as for confidence building experiences like karaoke and speaking in front of the class. Our classroom ipads have become useful learning tools that children can explore in many ways. Our teaching team uses the application Evernote to record anecdotes and learning observations of our students to refer to when writing report cards.
Using the document camera to sort buttons
Using the document camera to sort buttons
18. My teaching team has quickly become “my family”. My first blog post spoke to this already but to extend the team to others that are involved in our classroom will help to justify the support and passion that flows through our classroom. Irene, our planning teacher, is extremely patient and reflective. She learns alongside the other educators in our classroom and has really delved into our environment in so many ways! Andrea (admin – mentioned above), shares my passion for FDK and has really pushed me as an educator in our school. Having thoughtful adults working together is remarkable!

Myself and teaching partners: Val and Nicole
17. Yoga is not just for adults. I practice yoga frequently outside of work so being able to share an interest in yoga with our students has been very exciting! Nicole (one of my two teaching partners) started basic yoga poses in the fall with our students and it has grown into a quiet activity that many in our classroom cherish! Our students know so many poses, can refer to them by their name, and even take turns leading yoga to a whole group. We have even practiced yoga with our grade 4/5 buddies and many of our students have brought yoga into their homes.
Our students and grade 4/5's doing the triangle pose
Our students and grade 4/5’s doing the triangle pose
16. Not all children are ready for everything we throw at them. Full-Day Kindergarten is a two year process and the curriculum provided in the FDK document guides the program over the course of this time. There is no need to rush anybody into writing a sentence in their journals or get frustrated with a child because he/she cannot get ready for recess as speedy as we want. Being patient and allowing children to grow at their own pace is much more meaningful than expecting too much. I value the patience I have developed this year and owe so much of it to my wonderful students!

15. Literacy and Numeracy are present without worksheets. A common topic in FDK and growing into higher grades also is the use of worksheets. I have not been in the field long enough to have experience providing a child with a worksheet, but I do remember having them when I was in Kindergarten. Being able to trace over the letter “E” on dotted lines is nowhere near as purposeful as drawing out the letter in sand with a paintbrush and eventually making those strokes on paper with a pencil. There are so many tools to practice literacy and numeracy without using worksheets and this incredible resource speaks to many: Journey to Literacy: No Worksheets Required.
14. All children do not need to be doing the same thing at once. In our classroom, sometimes you need to do things that you don’t want to do, however, as a teaching team, we have worked very hard to be respectful of our children’s interests and self-regulating skills. For example, if we are doing yoga and a few students would prefer not to, they may choose another quiet activity that has the same outcome we are looking for (i.e. relaxing, calming body, ready to move forward with the day). Similarly, lunch time is not the only time to nourish our bodies with food and water. We have worked closely with our students’ this year to ensure they are being able to recognize when their body is hungry, full, tired, or needing to let our energy. This is so new to me coming from child care settings where lunch was served at a certain time and children needed to wait based on the schedule.
“Children become empowered when they are allowed to make decisions and take responsibility for these decisions.”
– Susan Gingras Fitzall
13. Purposeful documentation is essential to a well thought out Kindergarten classroom. When you display a child’s work in a frame, portfolio, or on a bulletin, you are demonstrating to them that their work is valued, has purpose, is meaningful and cherished. My favourite piece of documentation is our portfolio binders that we created in September with the purpose of allowing children to add pieces of work such as paintings, writing, drawings, pictures of something they did, etc., into them so that they will be able to look back at the learning they did throughout the year. We often sketch a date accompanied by a note that explains additional learning or curriculum expectations that occurred in the piece so that those viewing the portfolio can gather a deeper understanding of what actually went on. These portfolios are respected by our students and they often take them out to look at and share with others, saying things like, “Look how little I was back then!” and, “It’s so funny how I drew that picture of myself” :).

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12. Not everyone is familiar with the role of an Early Childhood Educator. I am extremely content in sharing who I am as an educator with others and am always willing to have conversations about this new education role. Early Childhood Educators and Full-Day Kindergarten is still being implemented across Ontario and it is reasonable that such a shift in education takes time to grasp. Being in my first year of FDK has been a blessing because I have been able to introduce new ideas alongside other incredible educators in Kindergarten about the program and its purposes during the roll-out of Phase 4 at New Dundee Public School. An important part of my job is observing children and analyzing the findings. Here is a quote that is meaningful to me as an Early Childhood Educator and represents a major part of my role:

11. Extended-day is a time that I will always cherish! When I first learned I would be working in extended-day, I had no idea what to expect because I had not had any experiences in this position. I have been enlightened with the special moments where I am able to learn alongside a small group of 7-8 children while awaiting their families at the end of the school day. I look forward to this part of my day just as much as my students do. Sometimes I will hear extended-day students make remarks like, “I can’t wait until it’s extended-day!” or “Remember at extended-day yesterday when we made that painting together?” I value the time that I have with this group of students and their appreciation for the program is visible in their busyness while exploring and investigating in a variety of activities.

Information for registering for WRDSB Extended Day
 10. Professional development is purposeful and necessary. I recently attended the Early Years Conference at Conestoga College where I had the pleasure of listening to Tracy Pickard (@TracyPick), a Kindergarten teacher that has inspired me in many ways this year, and my thoughtful and supportive Designated Early Childhood Educator Supervisor, Sarah Andrade (@SarahAinFDK) speak about “covering and uncovering the curriculum”. Witnessing their incredible partnership has continued to inspire me to value my partnership with Valerie (@UrquhartVal) and Nicole because when you share the passion for learning and child development with other educators, the reflection will come across in your classroom. There are so many opportunities to grow as a professional in this field and I am just getting started!

This diagram represents the child centred in the middle of covering and uncovering the curriculum – adapted from Sarah and Tracy’s presentation
8. When children get dirty, it’s a sign of a “hard day at work”. With respect to parents perspectives, we have strongly advised that children come prepared to get “dirty” at school so that nothing is holding them back from their learning. Children learn by touching and manipulating materials and sometimes that means they are on their hands in knees in the sandbox using sticks to explore the waterhole that is circulating them.
Dirty Hands
7. Less is more. When we first set up our classroom in August, our teaching team had come up with evidence that having less “things” in the room would allow for more opportunities, experiences, learning, etc. to occur. When we add too many choices, our children feel overwhelmed and it can be exhausting and intimidating to look through and decide what materials they want to explore.

A snapshot of our classroom in January 2014. Bulletin’s have been filled with self-portraits and white board magnets have been removed for document camera background.
6. Every day is a new day. Realistically speaking, sometimes children – and adults – experience an “off day” where things just didn’t go as they had planned, frustration got the best of them, etc. I have learned that when this happens, it’s okay. I have come to learn that it is important to let go of a problem or frustration once it is dealt with in our classroom. For instance, if Johnny acts in a “mean” way to Lizzy, this does not mean that Johnny is a bad student or a mean person. Teaching forgiveness with young children is part of understanding self-regulation. When we teach children that sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes others make mistakes, it will become easier to learn the concept of forgiveness and set up an environment where all children and adults feel respected, loved, and welcomed.

Important points to consider when dealing with young learners
5. Implementing Full-Day Kindergarten through phases takes times and not everyone is at the same place in the experience. Like I’ve mentioned many times before, I am learning and so are the many Kindergarten educators across the province who are undergoing this wonderful transformation into early years education. What’s important about recognizing all of this is that there are many individuals to turn to that can support and share ideas. I am fascinated by the amount of educators that come together through so many different networks to do this.

4. Dancing and learning go hand in hand! In our classroom, we often have dance parties in our classroom to feed the energy that is within our Kindergarten students! Since I love to dance, this is one of my favourite times in the day. Students are always asking to have dance parties and we value using music as a tool to explore the way our bodies can move and exercise! I have learned that our children, like many children, are so interested in dance and motivated to move to music. Dance parties have brought our classroom closer together and everyone who has come to a dance party has had a giant happy face while seeing our students so engaged!

A Kindergarten Dance Party!
3. Partnerships with parents is key to a child’s success. I have been SO fortunate to be in a classroom where family involvement is so apparent. I have had many experiences working with parents and guardians of children through different organizations and continue to witness the benefits of developing purposeful relationships with them. Something that is new to me this year is the use of a “Communication Book”, which I’m sure is not new to many Kindergarten educators, but being in my first year with the school board, I had never used one before. This book allows for us to share relevant messages with families and allows them to do the same with us. We have other ways of connecting with our families using technology this year and the feedback we receive is outstanding!
2. I have so much to learn and that excited me because I love to learn new things! This year has provided me with my opportunities to strengthen my philosophy of education and take on some leadership roles through sharing my knowledge with others. In March, I spoke for the first time at Conestoga College in a class I was once a student in about using Twitter to document and capture learning in early year environments. Speaking publicly hasn’t always been my forte but now that I have found a career that I love and feel passionate about, I have so much to share! Stay tuned for updates about upcoming workshops I will be speaking at.
1. And finally, the number one learning I want to share is not so much a learning experience I have had, but one that I’ve seen others have throughout the year. Here it goes… “Play” does not mean “free time” and being an educator in Kindergarten is not “easy” or “less work”. In the fall, we had an educator come into our classroom for a brief time and she asked, “Do these kids just play all day?” I felt honoured that she recognized our children were playing but felt compelled to describe the exploring, investigating, creative thinking, problem-solving, social experiences, etc., etc., etc., that was actually going on during her visit. It was a pivotal moment for me where I learned that not everyone yet realizes the benefits of play-based learning, so to complete this post, I have evidence of the benefits that occur in a play-based environment from the Ministry of Education in their Statement on Play-based Learning.

My Collaborative Partners!

In March 2013, I applied to Waterloo Region District School Board with the hopes that I would be able to share my passion of teaching and learning with young minds and exceptional educators. After successfully completing the application and interview process, I was assigned to New Dundee Public School, a place where I have grown tremendously as an educator since the school year began.
Before September rolled around, I was introduced to my two teaching partners, Valerie and Nicole (see photo below).  We met alongside other Phase 4 (2013-4) FDK educators and began to discuss how our philosophies might interact. Since that moment of our first interaction, Valerie, Nicole and I have continued to have powerful conversations about our students, full-day kindergarten implementation/news, the learning environment, “covering and uncovering curriculum”, and implementing new, less “traditional” aspects to kindergarten that are engaging and rich in nature.  We each bring very different, but strong experiences to our team.  In fact, the best part about our team is that we are so different!
Valerie, our classroom Kindergarten teacher, has been working with WRDSB for approximately four years. The enthusiasm, generosity, and encouragement she has demonstrated in her teaching and partnership with others this year has changed me as an educator and an individual. Not only does she put everything she has into our classroom, she finds ways to support others along their FDK journey by inviting them in for visits, explaining our processes for choosing certain designs and materials in our classroom, live tweeting (@UrquhartVal) about the learning that occurs with our students, and captures beautiful stories that she displays through documentation on our bulletin boards and using the classroom blog ( Valerie’s communication skills have exceeded my expectations. There has never been a moment that I feel “less than” or “unequal to” in our classroom because we constantly discuss and collaborate in our team. In many ways, Valerie has been my mentor this year and we have developed a beautiful friendship!
My other teaching partner, Nicole, has a kind and open attitude toward the growth of our classroom and the experiences as an Early Childhood Educator thus far in her career. She has been working with the WRDSB as a Designated Early Childhood Educator for approximately 2 years. Nicole and I graduated together from the Early Childhood Education program in 2012 at Conestoga College and were exasperated when we learned we would be working alongside one another through the 2013-4 school year! What a treat it has been to have her at the tips of my fingertips to “show me the ropes” of our individual roles. Nicole makes our classroom a fun place to be with her sense of humour and patience. She enjoys communicating with our classroom families and sharing anecdotes about our students with them. In our extended day program, Nicole and I have partnered in creating exciting experiences for our students and sharing our learning with other DECE’s in our board on professional development days and networking occurrences. I feel fortunate to have had shared so many learning opportunities with Nicole  so far, and I truly value the partnership and friendship her and I have established throughout this year!
I have been extremely fortunate to work with both of these educators. It seems as though each day we encounter together, we are teaching and learning from one another as well as with our students.  Learning – from one another, our students, families, administration, and other educators – is truly the only “theme” that occurs in our classroom!  This is why I think a team environment in education is so powerful!  We play off of one another’s ideas, push each other to our limits, and we support decisions and choices that are made in our learning environment. With a class of 27 students, it has been so beneficial not only to the educators, but especially to our students to have three of us in the classroom to ensure optimum learning opportunities for each of them. I couldn’t be more thankful to be undergoing the experiences I am having this year in FDK and I especially owe gratitude to my wonderful teaching partners.
Nicole, Valerie and I on Anti-bullying Awareness Day

My Teaching Partners

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

In March 2013, I applied to Waterloo Region District School Board with the hopes that I would be able to share my passion of teaching and learning with young minds and exceptional educators. After successfully completing the application and interview process, I was assigned to New Dundee Public School, a place where I have grown tremendously as an educator since the school year began.

Before September rolled around, I was introduced to my two teaching partners, Valerie and Nicole (see photo below).  We met alongside other Phase 4 (2013-4) FDK educators and began to discuss how our philosophies might interact. Since that moment of our first interaction, Valerie, Nicole and I have continued to have powerful conversations about our students, full-day kindergarten implementation/news, the learning environment, “covering and uncovering curriculum”, and implementing new, less “traditional” aspects to kindergarten that are engaging and rich in nature.  We each bring very different, but strong experiences to our team.  In fact, the best part about our team is that we are so different!
Valerie, our classroom Kindergarten teacher, has been working with WRDSB for approximately four years. The enthusiasm, generosity, and encouragement she has demonstrated in her teaching and partnership with others this year has changed me as an educator and an individual. Not only does she put everything she has into our classroom, she finds ways to support others along their FDK journey by inviting them in for visits, explaining our processes for choosing certain designs and materials in our classroom, live tweeting (@UrquhartVal) about the learning that occurs with our students, and captures beautiful stories that she displays through documentation on our bulletin boards and using the classroom blog ( Valerie’s communication skills have exceeded my expectations. There has never been a moment that I feel “less than” or “unequal to” in our classroom because we constantly discuss and collaborate in our team. In many ways, Valerie has been my mentor this year and we have developed a beautiful friendship!

My other teaching partner, Nicole, has a kind and open attitude toward the growth of our classroom and the experiences as an Early Childhood Educator thus far in her career. She has been working with the WRDSB as a Designated Early Childhood Educator for approximately 2 years. Nicole and I graduated together from the Early Childhood Education program in 2012 at Conestoga College and were exasperated when we learned we would be working alongside one another through the 2013-4 school year! What a treat it has been to have her at the tips of my fingertips to “show me the ropes” of our individual roles. Nicole makes our classroom a fun place to be with her sense of humour and patience. She enjoys communicating with our classroom families and sharing anecdotes about our students with them. In our extended day program, Nicole and I have partnered in creating exciting experiences for our students and sharing our learning with other DECE’s in our board on professional development days and networking occurrences. I feel fortunate to have had shared so many learning opportunities with Nicole  so far, and I truly value the partnership and friendship her and I have established throughout this year!

I have been extremely fortunate to work with both of these educators. It seems as though each day we encounter together, we are teaching and learning from one another as well as with our students.  Learning – from one another, our students, families, administration, and other educators – is truly the only “theme” that occurs in our classroom!  This is why I think a team environment in education is so powerful!  We play off of one another’s ideas, push each other to our limits, and we support decisions and choices that are made in our learning environment. With a class of 27 students, it has been so beneficial not only to the educators, but especially to our students to have three of us in the classroom to ensure optimum learning opportunities for each of them. I couldn’t be more thankful to be undergoing the experiences I am having this year in FDK and I especially owe gratitude to my wonderful teaching partners.


Nicole, Valerie and I on Anti-bullying Awareness Day